
Can I tell you a story this morning?  Yesterday dad and I were trying to make it up to the cholera house.  It was raining and very muddy . We got stuck, really bad stuck.  It starting pouring.  Someone behind us started yelling -a sick person, a sick person, make a path for us to get through.  We were off in a ditch mud half way covering the tires.  Pouring down rain, Yves and I were trying to get the 4X4 locked in on the tires.  I looked up and saw a group of men carrying a bed frame on their heads.  There faces were desperate.  The person on the bed was very sick.  Yves and I pointed up the road to the path.  Yves was yelling run, run, fast run.  They were slipping and sliding and trying to get their footing.  A lady named Plezime was on top of the bed. She was trying not to fall off.  I just starting saying Jesus, Jesus along with dad and Yves.  We all watched as the group of men pushed and pulled each other up the path.   Still pouring down rain.  They made it too the gate and were so happy.

Here they are arriving.

I asked Plezime today what happened yesterday.  She woke up in the morning and had diar.  She began walking to come down to the cholera house at 8am.  The normal walk from her village is about 5 hours one way.  Five hours up and down the mountains paths.  She got about 1 hour down the path and could not make it. She had to rest and sit she was very weak.  People in that village saw her and helped.  This group of men got a bed from one of their houses and put a mat made of banana leaves on it and started carrying her.   They arrived at 5pm.  She had had diar 15 times by then. She looked like this.

The staff worked in the rain together to try and get a IV line in.  They both got one in on their first stick. 

I showed her these pictures today and asked if I could show them to you.  She looked at them and cried and said she did not remember what happened yesterday.  Tomorrow I will go and check up on her again.  I hope to give her a print out of the group of guys below so she can see how many people helped her out.  I know that God has a special blessing for this group of guys that cared so much to get her here.

The staff continues to amaze me with their dedication to helping so many.  We are blessed.


  1. Sarah says

    I am so glad she got the help she needed and the men were able to safely get her to the Cholera house. I know that path had me scared when it was super dry ( I admit to my being an unsurefooted weinie 🙂 ) Praying for you all!

    Much love!

  2. Holly says

    I am constantly in awe of the miracles and blessings surrounding RHFH, the staff and the amazing work done for our brothers and sisters there in Haiti. What a life changing blessing RHFH is to the Cazale area. You all are in my prayers.

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