Update on the sisters

You can read past post about the sister here, here and here.  These 6 special girl were blessed this past month to receive gifts from a family that has been praying from them from a distance state side.  The girls were so excited to get gifts from this family.  It was not just a simple gift, but one that the family took time and put a lot of thought into it before sending them.  Each girl has a plastic box that she can reuse.  Each box was full of goodies and a dress for each of them.  There were also dishes, utensils and hygiene products include for the girls.  They were so excited to know that someone had thought of them.  It made them have a very special day!

They have moved into a new rented home that is farther away from the river (this is good in case of flooding).  They are enjoying living there and having a fun summer vacation together.  A few weeks ago, a team was here visiting and working with RHFH for a week.  Their church has also has a big part in these girls lives.  They have been funding a large part of their living expenses.  RHFH and the sisters are so thankful to each of you that have stepped up to meet the needs of these girls.  Keeping them together was very important to their parents.  We are thankful that we can honor thier wishes and help these girls grow in strong young women.


Please continue to pray for these 6 sisters.


  1. Jessica says

    I’ve been thinking about them wondering how they are doing. Such beautiful girls!

  2. Tara C. says

    What a witness of God’s love you guys are bringing to Cazale! Such beautiful girls! Do they know and believe in Jesus? Also wondering, do they live in the house alone or is there a guardian of some sort? Praise God for their progress!

  3. Licia says

    They all attend a local church here and believe in Jesus. They live in a house that houses others as well. There are 3 other adults living in the facility with them. Plus we have lots of our employees that know them and keep an eye out for them.

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